hi I am shayan sengupta.I am trying to run the Hokuyo node tutorial with URG-04LX-UG01. Everything works fine until I try running Rviz using command #rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find hokuyo_node`/hokuyo_test.vcg Rviz opens with no display i.e. a blank window.Also when I hit Ctrl C to terminate Rviz I get a X windows system error. But I am able to see the laser data in comand line using command #rostopic echo /scan so i guess the LIDAR's working just fine and the problem is with Rviz. So please reply on how to fix this bug or whether I am missing out on any dependencies, etc. BTW I am using the precompiled ROS binaries on Ubuntu 9.04 with Intel graphics card. Regards, Shayan Sengupta