Good Day Everyone, I have been using ROS for a couple of weeks now and have grown to like the RVIZ stack. Although, RVIZ does not currently support dynamic texture loading which would be beneficial if an individual wanted to to re-project a camera image into the 3d space. I tried modifying RVIZ to do that by implementing image retrieval for markers. as follows When a marker is received and is of type VISUALIZATIONMSGS:: ...IMPLANE --->create the marker as usual in rviz. ---->pass a message to an image grabber thread which pulls the image for that marker from another node via a service. ------->When image is ready, find marker corresponding to that image and create a texture out of that image -------->Apply that texture to the marker. the last step is where i get problems. In loading the texture and applying it to the marker I followed ogre's tutorials on creating a dynamic texture but that didnt work. SO IS THERE ANYONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO CREATE DYNAMIC TEXTURES IN OGRE MAYBE A LINK I WILL BE VERY GRATEFUL