On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 2:16 AM, Osiloke Emoekpere wrote: > Good Day Everyone, > I have been using ROS for a couple of weeks now and have grown to like > the RVIZ stack. Although, RVIZ does not currently support dynamic texture > loading > which would be beneficial if an individual wanted to to re-project a camera > image > into the 3d space. > There are a few examples of dynamic texture loading in rviz. For example, the ROSImageTexture (src/rviz/image/ros_image_texture.h/cpp) translates sensor_msgs/Image messages into Ogre textures. Note that I use an old API for it currently, the new one is documented in the Ogre manual: http://www.ogre3d.org/docs/manual/manual_64.html#SEC293 > > I tried modifying RVIZ to do that by implementing image retrieval for > markers. > as follows > When a marker is received and is of type VISUALIZATIONMSGS:: ...IMPLANE > --->create the marker as usual in rviz. > ---->pass a message to an image grabber thread which pulls the image for > that marker > from another node via a service. > ------->When image is ready, find marker corresponding to that image and > create a texture out of that image > -------->Apply that texture to the marker. > Without some code it's impossible to know what's going wrong. > > the last step is where i get problems. In loading the texture and applying > it to the marker > I followed ogre's tutorials on creating a dynamic texture but that didnt > work. > SO IS THERE ANYONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO CREATE DYNAMIC TEXTURES IN OGRE > MAYBE A LINK > I WILL BE VERY GRATEFUL > Please don't shout. Josh