Hi, I am having a small issue with subscribing to a topic. I wrote a lot of my code on an older install of ROS, and I've since decided to install my package on a 'backup' laptop. Everything compiles and runs fine on the original, but when I try to compile on the backup laptop I get these errors about my subscribers: error: no matching function for call to ‘ros::NodeHandle::subscribe(const char [15], int, void (&)(std_msgs::Float32))’ /home/ttu/ros/ros/core/roscpp/include/ros/node_handle.h:504: note: candidates are: ros::Subscriber ros::NodeHandle::subscribe(ros::SubscribeOptions&) That error comes from the line of code: tSubscriber = tHandle.subscribe("TurnAngle", 1, tCallback); Could someone please help me figure out why this is happening. I have verified that the syntax is correct, and it compiles fine on an older svn build of ROS. I am having the compile problem on a svn build of ROS from today. Also, there are other executables in the package that have the same subscribe syntax, but they compile just fine. Thanks, Nate