On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 11:49 PM, Osiloke Emoekpere wrote: > That is a much cleaner way of cross compiling ROS, thanks (even though i > did not start this thread). > For my compile i ended up using bitbake to build the dependencies (apr, > log4cxx, boost) and then did the > gumros way but i'll be using your technique from now on. > Thanks, although it is still a work in progress. I think some steps are missing, but still it is a good start. I will complete the how-to when my exams are done so probably next week! Anyway, i'll send an email to the ros-users ML when everything will be set up and working (also i will edit the current ROS cross-compilation wiki article). -- Benjamin Vanheuverzwijn Google Talk/Jabber - bvanheu@gmail.com http://vanheu.ca