Hi there, I started looking at the intensity values that you can get from the hokuyo UTM laser scanners, but was seeing a much wider fluctuation in the values than I would have expected... from looking at my own data, and the data posted on the calibration wiki http://pr.willowgarage.com/wiki/Scanner_to_camera_calibration it seems that the values are normally somewhere between 0 and 6000. However every once in a while, they'll go as high as ~15000. In the documentation posted here: http://www.ros.org/wiki/hokuyo_node?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=UTM-30LX_Specification.pdf it says that the intensity is a function of distance... is there a good way to normalise out the distance factor so that intensity values can be compared on a normalised 0 to 1 range? How have you guys generally worked with the intensity info. thanks in advance! -=Abe