Hi all, image_pipeline 1.0.1 has been released. This is a patch update for users of Box Turtle. This release fixes a number of issues users encountered with camera_calibration. Thanks all of you who have contributed bug reports and patches. rosinstall and SVN users can update immediately. Debian packages should be available soon. Change list: http://www.ros.org/wiki/image_pipeline/ChangeList#A1.0.1_.282010-04-14.29 1.0.1 (2010-04-14) This release back-ports several important bug fixes from 1.1 development to Boxturtle, as well as some improved error reporting. camera_calibration: - Monocular calibration now sets the projection matrix P correctly (#3684, #3975). - Removed hard-coded assumptions about corner spacing. - Calibration with smaller than 640x480 images (#3951). - Wait for set_camera_info service at startup, error if it doesn't become available (#3977). - Throw out images with corners very close to the image edges; can cause bad calibration (#3980). - Only allow Save/Upload when calibration is done (#3934, #3956). image_proc: - Warn if color topic requested but raw image data is grayscale. - Specific error message when receiving an image with ambiguous encoding 8UC3 (#3941). -Patrick