Hi, I'm working on a different solution to the issue of mapping ports to sensors. Instead of configuring every computer to automatically map usb devices to specific addresses, I wrote a program that uses the libudev library (also get ID for hokuyos) to find the serial number of the device, so I can query for a serial number and get back the device it is plugged into (or determine that it is not there) The motivation for doing this: - I swap out devices a bit, and configuring the udev is more annoying than just changing a parameter - I can run the same program with the devices plugged into a different computer without having to configure udev. The problem I am having is in setting the correct parameter to the correct port. What I would like to do is dynamically substitute in the appropriate parameter when running the launch file: I see that there is some support for executing functions in the launch file: http://www.ros.org/wiki/roslaunch/XML#substitution_args Would it be possible to add the running of shell commands? Thanks Garratt