Hi there, I using an attached program to read an image from a disk and to then continously publish it on an image topic at 30 fps. On _one_ machine over loopback. When I tried it with a 1608x1236+0+0 color image (1.8MB) and then used rostopic hz to display the publishing rate of topic, the most that I got was around 12, 13 Hz. Any idea what would cause such a low performance? At what rates and sizes do you folks usually send images around? thx and cheers, D. -- MSc. Dejan Pangercic PhD Student/Researcher Computer Science IX Technische Universität München Telephone: +49 (89) 289-17780 E-Mail: dejan.pangercic@in.tum.de WWW: http://ias.cs.tum.edu/people/pangercic