Wow, thanks Jack, the ROS specific part of your gps code will probably work for us. I think your right though, ROS should have a standardized gps msg that can be linked through a standard gps-to-odom node that can do these calculations for you given just your gps topic. I really appreciate your help, this should really save us a lot of time implementing and troubleshooting these calculations. Thanks, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ William Woodall Undergraduate Software Engineering Auburn University 256-345-9938 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 11:10 PM, Jack O'Quin wrote: > On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 7:39 PM, William Woodall > wrote: > > We are trying to feed gps data into the ekf's /vo topic, and I have seen > the > > tutorial for swapping visual odometry out for gps, but I haven't been > able > > to find the units for x, y, z pose in the that Odometry msg. I have > poked > > around in the source a bit, and I haven't been able to find any clues to > the > > units, though I imagine it is displacement in meters or something > similar. > > Our gps outputs lat, long, altitude which we need to translate, > obviously, > > but I was just wondering if anyone could tell me the specific units the > ekf > > is expecting. > > We have an open-source ROS driver for the Applanix Position and > Orientation System for Land Vehicles (POS-LV) in the > utexas-art-ros-pkg repository. The device is a highly accurate GPS > (and IMU) that was used by many vehicles that competing in the DARPA > Grand Challenges. > > Although the device interface is probably not useful to you, the ROS > part of the interface may be helpful. It translates the (spherical) > latitude and longitude coordinates into (Euclidean) Universal > Transverse Mercator (UTM) and publishes: nav_msgs/Odometry; /odom > transforms; and its own applanix/GpsInfo topic. > > > > The (x, y, z) Odometry points are in meters. Formerly, we used UTM > displacements from the start of the run, but more recently we found it > helpful to simply round the UTM easting and northing values to offsets > from a 10km UTM grid. That keeps the values consistent between tests > in the same area, while limiting them to a convenient size. It also > makes it easy to determine coordinates from a map. > > It would be good for the ROS community to agree on a common GPS > message. Since none existed, we defined our own based on the Player > GPS info message. > > > -- > joq > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > >