Hi everyone, I'm having trouble with my installation of gazebo. I'm running revision 29196. When I run roslaunch gazebo_worlds empty_world.launch I get the following errors: Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 0.9.0 Part of the Player/Stage Project [http://playerstage.sourceforge.net]. Copyright (C) 2003 Nate Koenig, Andrew Howard, and contributors. Released under the GNU General Public License. XRequest.156: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 0x4000006 Error Loading Gazebo /home/sosentos/ros/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo/gazebo-svn/server/ Simulator.cc:205 : Exception: Error loading the GUI /home/sosentos/ros/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo/gazebo-svn/server/ rendering/OgreCreator.cc:685 : Exception: Unable to create the rendering window [gazebo-1] process has died [pid 9260, exit code 255]. log files: /home/sosentos/.ros/log/69f1f528-52da-11df- be6f-00241dc18d36/gazebo-1*.log all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete done Any advice would be much appreciated. Sarah