Cedric Pradalier wrote: > Hi, > > this discussion raised my curiosity, so I created a small test program > to evaluate the advantage of using shared memory. The program is quite > simple: on one end a publisher is creating an image of some size, and > publishing it with a timestamp given by ros::Time::now(), on the other > end, a receiver is receiving the image, and recording the difference > between ros::Time::now() and the image timestamp. > > I made this test for 1000 images, from 640x480x1, 640x480x3, > 1500x1000x3, 3000x2000x3. The results are summarised in the attached pdf. > > I also attach the test file so that someone can point out if something > is wrong in my test. > > The bottom line is: for big object, shared memory transfer reduces > significantly the delivery delay. > > I hope that helps. I also add the variation of the reception interframe time in the plot, as delivery delay is not the only parameter affected by the type of transport. Best -- Dr. Cedric Pradalier http://www.asl.ethz.ch/people/cedricp