Hi, Thanks for your answers. This is what 'rosnode list' writes: /amcl /map_server /move_base /rosout /stageros Eitan, I understand what you are suggesting, but my map is centred in (0, 0) coordinates and goes from (-29.35, -27) to (29.35, 27) metres, which means that all the coordinates output by move_base are within the map. I think the problem could be related to map_server, but I don't see how. Here you have the launch file we use to launch 'amcl', 'move_base' and 'map_server': The world file we use for stage is based on the provide in the package stage ('willow-erratic.world'). I put it here just in case: define block model ( size3 [0.5 0.5 0.5] gui_nose 0 ) define topurg laser ( range_min 0.0 range_max 30.0 fov 270.25 samples 1081 # generic model properties color "black" size [ 0.05 0.05 0.1 ] ) define erratic position ( #size3 [0.415 0.392 0.25] size3 [0.35 0.35 0.25] origin3 [-0.05 0 0 0] gui_nose 1 drive "diff" localization "gps" topurg(pose [0.050 0.000 0.000]) ) define floorplan model ( # sombre, sensible, artistic color "gray30" # most maps will need a bounding box boundary 1 gui_nose 0 gui_grid 0 gui_movemask 0 gui_outline 0 gripper_return 0 fiducial_return 0 laser_return 1 ) # set the resolution of the underlying raytrace model in meters resolution 0.02 interval_sim 100 # simulation timestep in milliseconds interval_real 100 # real-time interval between simulation updates in milliseconds window ( size [ 745.000 448.000 ] center [678.990 293.960] rotate [ 0.000 -1.560 ] scale 28.806 ) # load an environment bitmap floorplan ( name "willow" bitmap "willow-full.pgm" size3 [54.0 58.7 0.5] #pose [-29.350 27.000 90.000] pose [0.0 0.0 0.0] ) # throw in a robot erratic( pose [0.0 0.0 0.0] name "era" color "blue") block( pose [3.0 0.0 0.0] color "red") I'm quite sure the error must be related to some wrong parameters, but I cannot find it. Thanks for your help again! ______________________________ Gorka Azkune Galparsoro