Hey all, I'm trying to get some prototyping code working using the ROS interface (latest tag) for Octave, but I've encountered a problem with the Twist message. First, here is the specific error text when running the attached source: octave:1> publish_vel ans = 1 parse error near line 32 of file /opt/ros/stacks/common_msgs/geometry_msgs/msg/oct/geometry_msgs/geometry_msgs_Twist.m syntax error >>> x = [ '# This expresses velocity in free space broken into it's linear and angular parts. \n' ... ^ error: error creating function handle "@geometry_msgs_Twist" error: evaluating argument list element number 2 error: evaluating assignment expression near line 5, column 9 error: near line 5 of file `/home/eric/Downloads/publish_vel.m' I do have my .octaverc all setup properly. If I edit the Twist.m file and remove the apostrophe from it's, the attached code runs just fine. It seems that the apostrophes need to be escaped or replaced or something. Also, the grammar in that comment in Twist.msg is wrong - it's should be its anyways :) - Eric