Hi everyone, Thanks for you kind and prompt replies. But the move_base is still asking for a frame with frame_id /base_link (output in rxconsole): > Waiting on transform from base_link to /map to become available before > running costmap, tf error: Frame id /base_link does not exist! > when I launch the launch-file as below, where of course I have corrected the naive spelling mistake @-| , as: > > > > > > > > We had a transformation .yaml before, which I forgot to mention. The result of > $ rosrun tf view_frames > $ evince frames.pdf > > showed that the frames are correctly linked. The result of > $rosrun tf tf_echo /robot_base /world returns correct transformation when I move the robot around. I also output the parameters got by "move_base" node, by adding: > ROS_INFO("FrameIDs: %s %s", robot_base_frame_.c_str(), > global_frame_.c_str()); > to move_base.cpp:66. The output from the rxconsole is FrameIDs: /robot_base /world which is correct. It sounds like the parameters are not correctly passed to the costmap or else nodes. Any other hints? Best regards, Ming