Hi all- I'm having some trouble compiling something with pcl. I have a function that looks like this: vector > segment_objects(pcl::PointCloud cloud) { ... stuff .. } If I keep it within my main .cpp file everything compiles fine. But then I made a utilities.h/.cpp files and put segment_objects in there, and now it complains about multiple definitions of point_cloud::traits. There is a long list of them, but it only complains about those (point_cloud::traits), nothing else. CMakeFiles/bigg_dynamic.dir/src/bigg_dynamic.o:(.rodata+0x106): multiple definition of `point_cloud::traits::name::value' CMakeFiles/bigg_dynamic.dir/src/utilities.o:(.rodata+0x6): first defined here CMakeFiles/bigg_dynamic.dir/src/bigg_dynamic.o:(.rodata+0x108): multiple definition of `point_cloud::traits::name::value' CMakeFiles/bigg_dynamic.dir/src/utilities.o:(.rodata+0x8): first defined here I can't see any reason this shouldn't work, unless I am missing something about the templatization of pcl that might be screwing something up... There are several other helper functions defined in these files that compile just fine and it doesn't complain about redfinitions, except these functions use only opencv. Any help is appreciated! --Adam Adam Leeper Stanford University aleeper@stanford.edu 719.358.3804