Hey everyone, I'm experiencing a curious issue with regards to a node which sends a message on startup. The following works: pub = rospy.Publisher("/clearpath/announce", Announce, latch=False) rospy.init_node('controller') pub.publish(action="rollcall") However, if I initialize the node first before setting up the publisher, the message send silently fails. No error, but the message never arrives, and rostopic shows no activity: rospy.init_node('controller') pub = rospy.Publisher("/clearpath/announce", Announce, latch=False) pub.publish(action="rollcall") But, when I insert some delays, it works again! rospy.init_node('controller') rospy.sleep(0.5) pub = rospy.Publisher("/clearpath/announce", Announce, latch=False) rospy.sleep(0.5) pub.publish(action="rollcall") I assume that there's some initialization going on in a background thread; is this a known/documented behavious? Is there some better way to handle it than just these delays? Thanks, Mike Purvis