> > Mike, while the tutorial for setting up the navigation stack says that you > can just set the static_map: yaml setting to false if you don't have a map > server, I have found it easier to just setup a map server and give it a > small white image, basically just a blank map. > Okay, cool. I added a small note to the global_costmap section of the wikipage clarifying this. For the moment, I'll try just using false; if that doesn't work out, I'll experiment with a blank map. You can also set all costmaps to rolling windows with their global > frame as /odom. As long as you actually publish a tf between that and > base_link (or whatever you want to call your equivalent frames), you > should be able to run completely without a map server. I can > definitely say that it is possible to run navigation without a static > map - I am currently doing just that and have had no issues related to > lack of map server. > Okay, cool. For the moment, my preference would be to avoid map_server. Our initial ROS deployment is for a lightweight open-water craft, so it's unnecessary. > As far as required transforms goes, you really ought to be publishing > transforms for the different frames. You could use the > static_transform_publisher node to publish a static transform, but the > transform from base_link to odom is not static, so you will need to > broadcast that transform yourself.Another option is to use one of the > existing simulators (stage and gazebo) that hook into ROS, which > broadcast all the transforms you should need. The documentation I've been following for this process is at navigation/Tutorials/RobotSetup/TF, which just speaks about setting up a transform between base_link and a sub-part (laser scanner). Is there somewhere else I need to be looking for information about the base_link -> odom and base_link -> map transforms? What do these transforms represent, and what's the relationship between them and the information that's already in my odom topic? If I make the base_link not be on-board the robot, are there ways that it's going to bite me later if/when I do end up adding a map, or if I'm trying to set up a multi-robot system? Sorry for the barrage of questions, but I really appreciate your assistance. I'm trying to do my best document things as I discover them, to help out future newbies. Mike