Hey all, Navigation 1.0.7 has been released for boxturtle. This release includes a number of bugfixes that will probably be nice to have. == Change List == = 1.0.7 (2010-06-04) = * [[robot_pose_ekf]] * Allow filter to initialize from vo measurement <> * [[map_server]] * Don't crash when the current directory is not writable <>. * [[base_local_planner]] * Fixed a bug where if the `prune_plan` parameter was set, not enough of the global plan would be transformed to the odometric frame * The local planner now takes acceleration limits into account when slowing down to reach a goal and rotating in place. * The local planner outputs an error when "acc_limit" is used instead of "acc_lim" since the documentation was wrong. * Fixed a bug in the cost returned from laying down the robot's footprint As always, you can find full documentation on navigation here: http://www.ros.org/wiki/navigation Hope all is well, Eitan