Hi to everyone, I am new to ROS. I have installed ROS in ubuntu 10.04.I am going through the tutorials. In roswtf tutorial, http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Tutorials/Getting%20started%20with%20roswtf When I run to check the installation,(roscore is not started) $roscd $roswtf I got the following: Stack: ros [rosstack] opendir error [No such file or directory] while crawling /opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks ================================================================================ Static checks summary: Found 1 error(s). ERROR Not all paths in ROS_PACKAGE_PATH [/home/santhosh/ros-tutorials/ros_tutorials:/home/santhosh/ros-tutorials/ros_pkg_tutorials:/opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks] point to an existing directory: * /opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks ================================================================================ ROS Master does not appear to be running. Online graph checks will not be run. ROS_MASTER_URI is [http://localhost:11311] This is showing some error. Can anyone find solution for this and help me? Thanks in advance................