Dear all, we are using attached launch file to construct 3D point clouds from the tilting Hokuyo UTM-30LX laser scanner. It just came to our attention that the actual 3D points and their corresponding intensity values are slightly shifted. As you can see from this image: of a big checkerboard, the intensity image is shifted to the right. Has anyone by chance experienced the same kind of issue? thx and cheers, D. -- MSc. Dejan Pangercic PhD Student/Researcher Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group Technische Universität München Telephone: +49 (89) 289-26908 E-Mail: WWW: -- MSc. Dejan Pangercic PhD Student/Researcher Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group Technische Universität München Telephone: +49 (89) 289-26908 E-Mail: WWW: