Hai- We need to put something in the tutorials about this, because I think this confused a lot of people in the workshop. The controllers are loaded by the pr2_controller_manager, which is part of the realtime loop node. This system uses pluginlib to load the controllers. Pluginlib searches for controllers using the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH from the process that started it. First of all, make sure you have properly built the controllers. Make sure the controllers package is in your environment. Check for the controller plugin using rospack. If the controller plugin is properly set up, you'll need to launch the robot using the correct environment. You can either use "sudo robot start -e", or run "roslaunch /etc/ros/robot.launch". This will launch the robot with the controller manager pointed at the right place. Kevin On Jun 22, 2010 9:01 PM, "Hai Nguyen" wrote: Hi, I'm trying to get the JTTelopController running on our robot. At first, I checked out the version tagged for cturtle but the telop_controllers package had a ROS_BUILD_BLACKLIST in it so I moved on to 'latest' (r39163). From latest I found the launch files formerly in cartesian_controller_tutorial in telop_microscribe, launched c_jt.launch (a file that we were using during the workshop), but then I received errors about something failing to load the controllers (see below). Have you seen these errors before and possibly know how to fix them? Errors from roslaunch: [ERROR] 1277263944.599523: Failed to load l_cart [ERROR] 1277263945.605297: Failed to load r_cart Errors from rosout: Node: /realtime_loop Could not load controller 'l_cart' because controller type 'JTTeleopController' does not exist Node: /realtime_loop Could not load class JTTeleopController: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class JTTeleopController with base class type pr2_controller_interface::Controller does not exist. Declared types are CasterCalibrationController CheckoutController CounterbalanceTestController GripperCalibrationController HeadPositionController HysteresisController JointCalibrationController JointLimitCalibrationController MotorJointCalibrationController TFFController TestController WristCalibrationController WristDifferenceController ethercat_trigger_controllers/MultiTriggerController ethercat_trigger_controllers/ProjectorController ethercat_trigger_controllers/TriggerController pr2_mechanism_controllers/CasterController pr2_mechanism_controllers/CasterControllerNode pr2_mechanism_controllers/LaserScannerTrajController pr2_mechanism_controllers/Pr2BaseController pr2_mechanism_controllers/Pr2BaseController2 pr2_mechanism_controllers/Pr2GripperController pr2_mechanism_controllers/Pr2Odometry robot_mechanism_controllers/CartesianPoseController robot_mechanism_controllers/CartesianTwistController robot_mechanism_controllers/CartesianWrenchController robot_mechanism_controllers/JointEffortController robot_mechanism_controllers/JointPositionController robot_mechanism_controllers/JointSplineTrajectoryController robot_mechanism_controllers/JointTrajectoryActionController robot_mechanism_controllers/JointVelocityController On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 8:04 PM, Stuart Glaser wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm ... -- Hai Nguyen CS, Robotics _______________________________________________ ros-users mailing list ros-users@code.ros.org https:...