Hi Nitin, First configure your pioneer and base computer [not on local host but their IP address] so that your pioneer is able to talk to ROS master -running on base computer. Read the p2os tutorial once again carefully. In my case I haven't received any error as you are getting. As David pointed out you might be missing some dependencies. But I am afraid to say this because procedure is straight forward. Follow these steps:- 1. First set IP address on both pioneer and base computer in /etc/hosts. Also set the ROS_MASTER_URI in the setup.sh file in your /opt/ros/boxturtle at pioneer only. Now go through running ROS across multiple machine tutorial and make sure that pioneer is able to make connection to ROS Master. I feel from your post that you have done something wrong while setting IP address [as you said you configure on local host]. 2. Once again install [rosdep] and make p2os. Make sure that there is no error. 3. Run p2os_dashboard [on base computer where your roscore is running]. you should get a small window. 4. run p2os on pioneer. [there should be no warning, I didn't set any turn rate demand threshold]. If you can see battery status on p2os_dashboard window then everything is fine so far] Remember to run this command $ rosrun teleop_base teleop_base_keyboard base_controller/command:=cmd_vel you need to install teleop_base and for that you need to install control_toolbox. As teleop_base depends on control_toolbox. Mainly control_toolbox is a part of PR2. I didn't install PR2 so I separately installed control_toolbox. Once you done this, then you need to enable motors [as David pointed out , there is 1 switch on pioneer] Hope this 'll work! Vinay