Hi, I have install cturtle with cturtle_wg_all.rosinstalland rosmake fails when compiling wg-ros-pkg-unreleased/vision stack. The following dependencies cannot found in my Ubuntu 10.04: Failed to find rosdep lapack-blas-atlas for package suitesparse on OS:ubuntu version:10.04 Failed to find rosdep gfortran for package suitesparse on OS:ubuntu version:10.04 Failed to find rosdep lapack-blas-atlas for package sba on OS:ubuntu version:10.04 Failed to find rosdep gfortran for package sba on OS:ubuntu version:10.04 Failed to find rosdep lapack-blas-atlas for package vslam_system on OS:ubuntu version:10.04 Failed to find rosdep gfortran for package vslam_system on OS:ubuntu version:10.04 Failed to find rosdep lapack-blas-atlas for package posest on OS:ubuntu version:10.04 Failed to find rosdep gfortran for package posest on OS:ubuntu version:10.04 I have tried with rosdep install vision but the same errors arise. I have checked if these packages are actually installed in my machine with the Synaptic Package Manager and they are. Any idea? Thanks in advance -- Jordi Pages, PhD Researcher Pal Robotics S.L. Tel: +34.93.414.53.47 Fax: + C/ Pujades 77-79 4º 4ª 08005 Barcelona, Spain. http://www.pal-robotics.com/ AVISO DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD: Este mensaje y sus documentos adjuntos, pueden contener información privilegiada y/o confidencial que está dirigida exclusivamente a su destinatario. Si usted recibe este mensaje y no es el destinatario indicado, o el empleado encargado de su entrega a dicha persona, por favor, notifíquelo inmediatamente y remita el mensaje original a la dirección de correo electrónico indicada. Cualquier copia, uso o distribución no autorizados de esta comunicación queda estrictamente prohibida. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and the accompanying document(s) may contain confidential information which is privileged and intended only for the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this e-mail and/or accompanying document(s) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sender at the above e-mail address.