Hi Sam In general, I have found Python lot more easier and user friendly than C++ further Python is very readable, is a scripted language - needs no compilation, easier to debug as it has an interactive interface, it allows for room for easy bindings from other languages ( Jython, PyOpenGL, PyQt etc) and it conforms to all sorts of Open-Source development (well ! ..... very nearly :) ) . However, C++/Java seems to be lot more useful in robot/ embedded development/ robot-simulation. Answering your questions. 1 - I guess every new age Robotics has a Python component (i.e. Player Stage, Pyro etc) 2 - Majority of tutorials would probably in C++. C++ and Java are the HOT languages for Robot Developers, further the Boost Library in C++ helps in advanced development. 3 - IDE, well that is debatable ! .... one may not really need an IDE in python as it is a scripted language ( and thus everything already happens 'on the fly' ) why complicate it with an IDE ! ... 4 - Don't know about this one ! ...sorry 5 - Python has threads, and it can be used for real-time structuring By the way ! ..... I am no Guru, don't get back at me if some Python/ROS guru has any different opinions ! Regards Arkapravo On 19 July 2010 12:01, Sam Quintanar wrote: > I know C++, but Python is new to me. It seems like it would be fun to > learn Python. > Please talk me in or out of using Python! > > 1- What justifies using Python in ROS? > > 2- Are the majority of tutorials in Python or C++? > > 3- I notice that if one wants to use an IDE, Eclipse and Code:Blocks are > suggested in the ROS wiki along with how to create an ROS package in > Code:Blocks......but I see nothing like this for Python......what is a > suggested IDE for Python? > > 4- Looking towards future robot-building tools integration, does Python > support possibilities of using ROS+Orocos+OpenCV+Gazebo......C++ can be used > with Orocos, but can Python? > > 5- I know C++ can be used for real-time action due to its speed, but can > Python? > > Thanks. > > SamQ > > ------------------------------ > >