Travis, If you run the normal navigation stack at the same time as assisted teleop, you're correct in that each will maintain its own occupancy grid. At some point, I want to re-implement the navigation stack using nodelets which would allow for things like the costmap to have a ROS interface that could be used by multiple nodes/nodelets, but that's for the future. As far as your remapping call goes, you're almost there, but you have to be explicit about using the private namespace. This is a bit unintuitive because using the "param" tag within a "node" tag automatically puts things in the private namespace, but the "remap" tag does not. I guess this is so that parameter remappings and topic remappings are consistent, but its admittedly kind of a pain. So, if you change your remaps to look like the ones I've pasted below, I think things should work: Hope this helps, Eitan On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Travis Deyle wrote: > Hello, > > I'm trying to figure out a slick way to load the 2d_costmap from > /move_base_node/local_costmap (loaded by 2dnav) into my own Costmap2DROS (in > assisted_teleop's "costmap"). I imagine there is a slick solution using > remap, but it alludes me: > > > > type="assisted_teleop" respawn="false" output="screen"> > > > > > > > One solution that already works is to generate my own costmap / planner > using my own YAML files (vis-a-via the method used by assisted_teleop). > However, this seems to be a duplication of effort (maintaining a costmap > with different parameters when the 2dnav costmap is already running and > tuned). Suggestions? > > ~Travis Deyle > PhD student @ Georgia Tech's Healthcare Robotics Lab > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > > >