Mine is a bit similar, also adds the syntax required to use a designer generated ui file and resources. Pasted below. I tend to create an eclipse makefile project to work with it (I don't even worry about the qt plugin as this is like directly working with code anyway). Not sure what you mean by importing multiple packages as a single project - you mean the ability to build multiple qt programs in one ros package? I haven't tried it yet, but the cmake qt macros should enable that following similar calls as that given below. I've also got a mate here who's starting to build a library of qt-opengl widgets we can use as an ros library package. He tends to build them at a much lower level though (no designer generated ui's), but follows a similar approach. ************************************************************************** ############################################################################## # Required 3rd party ############################################################################## # http://qtnode.net/wiki/Qt4_with_cmake find_package(Qt4) include(${QT_USE_FILE}) # This is necessary as all ui files etc will get dumped in the bottom of the # binary directory. include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) ############################################################################## # Sections ############################################################################## file(GLOB QT_FORMS RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ui/*.ui) file(GLOB QT_RESOURCES RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} resources/*.qrc) file(GLOB_RECURSE QT_MOC RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} FOLLOW_SYMLINKS include/local/*.hpp) QT4_ADD_RESOURCES(QT_RESOURCES_CPP ${QT_RESOURCES}) QT4_WRAP_UI(QT_FORMS_HPP ${QT_FORMS}) QT4_WRAP_CPP(QT_MOC_HPP ${QT_MOC}) ############################################################################## # Sources ############################################################################## file(GLOB_RECURSE QT_SOURCES RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} FOLLOW_SYMLINKS src/*.cpp) ############################################################################## # Binaries ############################################################################## rosbuild_add_executable(qgoo ${QT_SOURCES} ${QT_RESOURCES_CPP} ${QT_FORMS_HPP} ${QT_MOC_HPP}) target_link_libraries(qgoo ${QT_LIBRARIES}) -- Phone : +82-10-5400-3296 (010-5400-3296) Home: http://snorriheim.dnsdojo.com/ Yujin Robot: http://www.yujinrobot.com/ Embedded Control Libraries: http://snorriheim.dnsdojo.com/redmine/wiki/ecl