Hi, all. I've done following tutorial and tried to publish/subscribe topics between Window OS and Linux OS. http://www.ros.org/wiki/cturtle/Installation/Windows ---------------------- My environment is as follows. ------ 1. Windows side Windows XP Professional SP3 Copied compiled roslib, rospy, std_msgs, talker.py, and listener.py. (All are compiled in Linux OS with the version cturtle) The line "roslib.load_manifest("package_name")" of talker.py and listener.py is commented out. ( The code is base on http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Tutorials/WritingPublisherSubscriber%28python%29 ) ROS_MASTER_URI= ROS_ROOT is correctly modified. PYTHONPATH for roslib, rospy and std_msgs is correctly set. python2.6 and Pyyaml for python2.6 installed. ------ 2. Linux side Ubuntu 10.04 #uname -a Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-24-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 28 06:07:29 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux Installed ROS cturtle IP : hostname : ubuntu ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 # python --version Python 2.6.5 ------ When I run roscore on the Linux side and both listener/talker on the Windows side, the messages between two nodes are correctly sent. I could see the messages for both terminals in Windows OS. On the linux side # rostopic list /chatter /rosout /rosout_agg so I tried to see # rostopic echo /chatter but I couldn't see anything even when I could see messages on the two terminals in the Windows side. When I run # rxgraph I saw strange nodes. Nomally all nodes contains just one black circle, but the nodes created on Windows OS contain double red circles. When I clicked the talker node, I got following error. ERROR: Communication with node[http://ihcikuy:1586/] failed! The lister node on rxgraph has different name like "listener_1104_128...." and also surrounded by double red circles. When I clicked the lister node, I got ERROR: Communication with node[http://ihcikuy:1586/] failed! Since ROS_MASTER_URI on the Windows machine was set to be "", it cannot be "ihcikuy". ------ Does anybody has same kind of experience? What's the problem? ---------------- Also, I tried to run lister.py on Linux and talker.py on Windows, but I couldn't get any results. Did I make mistakes following the tutorial? Any information are welcome. Thanks in advance, Keisuke --------------------------------- Get the new Internet Explorer 8 optimized for Yahoo! JAPAN