Hi Dr. Stonier, I'd love a way to customise them too - bit like gentoo with its USE flags. > Not really possible at the moment though. Not sure if they have plans in > that direction either. Anyway, its not a really big problem. I usually > simply fork a package, sometimes even share resources (cmake files) betwen > the packages so I'm not creating redundancies. We did this with opencv at > our company to create an embedded version of opencv without all the gui > components. > > If your ode ros package is exporting its headers properly, you shouldn't > need to do anything except add ODE as a dependency in your manifest.xml. > Just make sure the exports in the ODE package are pointing to the correct > place. At the very least that will let you know how to reference drawstuff. > I really hope there will soon be a way to customize build options by, for example, passing flags around between packages. It would just make it easier for the user, I think. In the meantime, thank you for the heads-up! You are building a library and an executable. CMake and RoS are probably > using parallel jobs in which case it tries to build the library and the > exeuctable at the same time. However on the first run, the library will take > longer and so when the executable tries to link, it can't find the library. > Note that you won't be seeing this problem if your ROS_PARALLEL_JOBS is set > to 1. > > To fix it, simply add the following line to your cmake and it will make > sure it will delay building the executable until after the library has been > built. > > add_dependencies(robot_sim ${PROJECT_NAME}) > I'm not sure.. I tried compiling both with ROS_PARALLEL_JOBS set to 1 and with the add_dependencies() line, but I still have to compile twice before the errors disappear. This makes me suspect even more that the fault lies in my CMakeLists.txt file. I will follow up with any solutions I find after consulting the CMake mailing list. > By the way - are you korean? > Yes I am Korean. I see that you work for a robotics company in Korea! Sounds like a lot of fun. Soo-Hyun Yoo -- Soo-Hyun Yoo Programmer FIRST Robotics Team 955 Crescent Valley High School Email: yoos117@gmail.com Voice: (740) 343-9667 Web: http://cvhsrobotics.net/, http://www.linkedin.com/pub/soo-hyun-yoo/1b/478/894