Hi users, In our reseach project, we would like to be able to record bags "automatically" (e.g recording when our UAV is flying). So, I'm trying to write a simple node (/recorder_interface/) with two services "start_record" and "stop_record", where "start_record" callback launch the rosbag::recorder::run() in a child process using fork(). The "stop_record" callback just sends the SIGINT signal to recorder PID to stop recording ... but nothing happen. It seems that the ROS node forked doesn't handle SIGINT signals. Also, when checking available nodes with "rosnode list", I've only the /recorder_interface/ node. I should have also something like "record_1283279499007996727", which is the rosbag record node. I'm wondering if a node can launch others nodes?? Here, the console output and code: [ INFO] [1283279481.648585599]: Recorder_interface spinning: ready to record. [ INFO] [1283279499.006083281]: Request to record topics: test [ INFO] [1283279499.007996722]: Child: pid = 10497 [ INFO] [1283279499.008979878]: Subscribing to /fake_alti [ INFO] [1283279499.009749320]: Recording to test_2010-08-31-14-31-39.bag. #include #include "ros/ros.h" #include "recorder_interface/rec_interface.h" #include "rosbag/recorder.h" #include "rosbag/exceptions.h" bool recording; int recorder_exit_code; pid_t rosbag_pid; void rosbagRecord (rosbag::RecorderOptions opts) { char ** argv = NULL; int argc=0; ros::init(argc, argv, "record", ros::init_options::AnonymousName); // **** Run the recorder rosbag::Recorder recorder(opts); recorder_exit_code = recorder.run(); ROS_INFO("recorder_exit_code: %d\n",recorder_exit_code); } bool startRec(recorder_interface::rec_interface::Request &req, recorder_interface::rec_interface::Response &res) { if(!recording) { recording=true; ROS_INFO("Request to record topics: %s", req.topics.c_str ()); // **** Fill rosbag options rosbag::RecorderOptions opts; opts.record_all = false; opts.quiet = true; opts.prefix = req.prefix; opts.append_date = true; opts.topics.push_back("/fake_alti"); rosbag_pid = fork(); if(rosbag_pid == -1) { // **** ouch, fork() failed perror("fork"); exit(-1); } else if(rosbag_pid == 0) { // **** child ROS_INFO("Child: pid = %d\n", (int)getpid()); rosbagRecord(opts); exit(-1); } } else { ROS_WARN("Already recording!"); } return true; } bool stopRec(recorder_interface::rec_interface::Request &req, recorder_interface::rec_interface::Response &res) { if(recording) { int err = kill(rosbag_pid, SIGINT); ROS_INFO("err = %d\n",err); if(err==0) { res.ans=recorder_exit_code; recording=false; } } else { ROS_WARN("Not recording!"); } return true; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { recording=false; ros::init(argc, argv, "recorder_interface"); ros::NodeHandle n; ros::ServiceServer serviceStart,serviceStop; serviceStart = n.advertiseService("start_record", startRec); serviceStop = n.advertiseService("stop_record", stopRec); ROS_INFO("Recorder_interface spinning: ready to record."); ros::spin(); return 0; }