fork() without exec() is very, very dangerous, especially in multithreaded programs (roscpp spins up threads internally). The signal handling is likely to be the least of your worries -- all the file handles, sockets, etc. will be shared between the processes. You probably want to either: * Spin up a thread for each recording instance * Have another executable which does the recording (can probably just use rosbag), and fork()/exec() it. Josh On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Gautier Dumonteil <> wrote: > Hi users, > > In our reseach project, we would like to be able to record bags > "automatically" (e.g recording when our UAV is flying). > So, I'm trying to write a simple node (*recorder_interface*) with two > services "start_record" and "stop_record", where "start_record" callback > launch the rosbag::recorder::run() in a child process using fork(). The > "stop_record" callback just sends the SIGINT signal to recorder PID to stop > recording ... but nothing happen. It seems that the ROS node forked doesn't > handle SIGINT signals. > > Also, when checking available nodes with "rosnode list", I've only the * > recorder_interface* node. I should have also something like > "record_1283279499007996727", which is the rosbag record node. > > I'm wondering if a node can launch others nodes?? > > Here, the console output and code: > > [ INFO] [1283279481.648585599]: Recorder_interface spinning: ready to > record. > [ INFO] [1283279499.006083281]: Request to record topics: test > [ INFO] [1283279499.007996722]: Child: pid = 10497 > > [ INFO] [1283279499.008979878]: Subscribing to /fake_alti > [ INFO] [1283279499.009749320]: Recording to test_2010-08-31-14-31-39.bag. > > #include > #include "ros/ros.h" > #include "recorder_interface/rec_interface.h" > #include "rosbag/recorder.h" > #include "rosbag/exceptions.h" > > bool recording; > int recorder_exit_code; > pid_t rosbag_pid; > > void rosbagRecord (rosbag::RecorderOptions opts) > { > char ** argv = NULL; > int argc=0; > ros::init(argc, argv, "record", ros::init_options::AnonymousName); > > // **** Run the recorder > rosbag::Recorder recorder(opts); > recorder_exit_code =; > ROS_INFO("recorder_exit_code: %d\n",recorder_exit_code); > } > > bool startRec(recorder_interface::rec_interface::Request &req, > recorder_interface::rec_interface::Response &res) > { > if(!recording) > { > recording=true; > ROS_INFO("Request to record topics: %s", req.topics.c_str ()); > > // **** Fill rosbag options > rosbag::RecorderOptions opts; > opts.record_all = false; > opts.quiet = true; > opts.prefix = req.prefix; > opts.append_date = true; > opts.topics.push_back("/fake_alti"); > > rosbag_pid = fork(); > if(rosbag_pid == -1) > { > // **** ouch, fork() failed > perror("fork"); > exit(-1); > } > else if(rosbag_pid == 0) > { > // **** child > ROS_INFO("Child: pid = %d\n", (int)getpid()); > rosbagRecord(opts); > exit(-1); > } > } > else > { > ROS_WARN("Already recording!"); > } > return true; > } > > > bool stopRec(recorder_interface::rec_interface::Request &req, > recorder_interface::rec_interface::Response &res) > { > if(recording) > { > int err = kill(rosbag_pid, SIGINT); > ROS_INFO("err = %d\n",err); > if(err==0) > { > res.ans=recorder_exit_code; > recording=false; > } > } > else > { > ROS_WARN("Not recording!"); > } > return true; > } > > int main(int argc, char **argv) > { > recording=false; > > ros::init(argc, argv, "recorder_interface"); > ros::NodeHandle n; > > ros::ServiceServer serviceStart,serviceStop; > serviceStart = n.advertiseService("start_record", startRec); > serviceStop = n.advertiseService("stop_record", stopRec); > ROS_INFO("Recorder_interface spinning: ready to record."); > ros::spin(); > return 0; > } > > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > > >