Hello- I am using pcl to estimate the pose of object primitives (in this case, a cylinder) from stereo data. I searched ros.org for "kalman" and found the robot_pose_ekf package. I dug around in the source for a bit, and it seems that it is all hard-coded to only relate "base_footprint" to "odom_combined." It seems to me that with some modifications, this could be used as a generic 6-dof pose filter. Before I make a copy and go and change a bunch of things, am I right in thinking this would work as a generic filter to smooth out the (rather jumpy) estimates of the cylinder pose? The only incoming estimates would be a visual odometry of sorts, that is, a 3D pose from the pcl cylinder segmentation. Would this smooth that out even if it is the only sensor source being used? If I've overlooked some other handy package that will filter for me, that would be good to know too... Thanks! Adam Leeper Stanford University aleeper@stanford.edu 719.358.3804