I updated the installation page to include starting a roscore -Melonee On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Tully Foote wrote: > Hi Juan, > > You need to run roscore in a seperate terminal first. This is using ROS > to communicate and the roscore is how different nodes find each other on > the network. I suggest that you try out the tutorials at > http://www.ros.org/wiki/nxt/Tutorials to get started. The test script > you are running is a script we use internally when debugging the sensor > drivers. > > If you want more on the communication protocols it's documented on > http://ros.org I recommend you start with the introduction at > http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Introduction Also if you want to get > familiar with ROS there are numerous tutorials to help you get started > using ROS at http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Tutorials > > python-nxt which we use to talk to the brick does expect the NXT-G > firmware. > > Tully > > Juan Antonio Breña Moral wrote: > > Good evening, > > > > this evening I installed ROS and the support for NXT. > > > > I open a shell and typed the following stamement to run the first > example: > > rosrun nxt_python touch_sensor_test.py > > // > > > > The answer from the system was:/ > > / > > /domotica@domotica-laptop:~$ rosrun nxt_python touch_sensor_test.py > > //Unable to register with master node [http://localhost:11311/]: master > may not be running yet. Will keep trying./ > > What happen? > > > > The NXT brick has installed latest firmware for NXT-G, firmware 1.29. > > Normally I use LeJOS with latest release (0,85) but I suppose that > > ROS-NXT use original firmware inside the brick. > > > > What is the communication protocol? LCP? > > > > Cheers > > > > > > Henry Acevedo escribió: > >> Hi I'm new with ROS ,as I want to test the NXT, I did the complete > >> installation and as I'm using the Bluetooth dongle recommended by > >> Lego with my laptop (Ubuntu) but I cannot connect I got an error > >> [ERROR] 2010-09-02 22:03:50,429: [Errno 111] Connection refused > >> Unable to register with master node [http://localhost:11311]: master > >> may not be running yet. Will keep trying. > >> [INFO] 2010-09-02 22:04:52,563: signal_shutdown [signal-2] > >> [WARNING] 2010-09-02 22:04:52,565: cannot unregister with master due > >> to network issues > >> [INFO] 2010-09-02 22:04:52,565: signal-2 > >> [INFO] 2010-09-02 22:04:52,674: connected to core topic /rosout > >> [ERROR] 2010-09-02 22:04:52,736: Unable to initialize /clock: [Errno > >> 111] Connection refused > >> > >> > >> but not sure how to fix this issue, > >> > >> please any help will be appreciated > >> > >> > >> Thanks > >> > >> > >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > >> > >> _______________________________________________ > >> ros-users mailing list > >> ros-users@code.ros.org > >> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users > >> > > > > > > -- > > > > Juan Antonio Breña Moral > > www.juanantonio.info > > www.roboticaenlaescuela.es > > > > Este mensaje (incluyendo los archivos adjuntos) es confidencial y > reservado. 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