Hi ROS community- I just wanted to say a word of thanks to all who have contributed to building ROS, the Willow folks especially for answering our (sometimes bone-headed :) questions. I spent the past few days re-building the functionality of a teleoperation program for a robot arm in our lab that used to run entirely on code I wrote in Windows. Of course, it took months of development last year to build up all the support pieces, such as a visualization engine, frame transformations, stereo processing, controls, etc, etc, etc, and the stability of that multi-threaded behemoth was not pretty. In contrast, I think in total I spent about 4 days getting the whole thing running again in ROS. It's amazing how productive we can be when we have good tools to draw from :) Anyway, just wanted to say thanks. --Adam Adam Leeper Stanford University BioRobotics aleeper@stanford.edu 719.358.3804