I have a quick question about the pr2_teleop package that I'm hoping someone can help with. I am trying to use this node without the torso and head publishers, I only need the Twist message published on cmd_vel. The docs say that not setting the torso and head buttons will disable these publishers. I don't set these params, but the publishers for head and torso publish anyway. I don't have anything subscribing to them, so I get a crash. I traced the crash back to the publishers for head and torso attempting to publish to a non-existent topic. As a test, removing the lines of code that do the publishing fix the problem. Is there any way to disable these publishers without modifying the code? I'd like to keep a vanilla pr2_teleop package on my system, but I need it to work without torso and head topics available. I need to do this because I'm working on a driver for a platform that is just a base as of right now, and I'd like to just use pr2_teleop for some testing. I launch the node as such in a launch file: Thanks, Nate