Hi everyone, was using the PCL to detect the dominant plane from a point cloud, similar to what is done in package tabletop_object_detector using SACSegmentation or SACSegmentationFromNormals and one assertion fails: /home/aa/ros/stacks/point_cloud_perception/eigen3/include/Eigen/src/Core/MapBase.h:192: void Eigen::MapBase::checkSanity() const [with Derived = Eigen::Map, 1, Eigen::Stride<0, 0> >]: Assertion `(!(ei_traits::Flags&AlignedBit) || ((size_t(m_data)&0xf)==0)) && "data is not aligned"' failed. Tried the example from: http://www.ros.org/wiki/pcl/Tutorials/Planar%20model%20segmentation and the error persists but it does not occur always, just every now and then :S I am testing on a 32-Bit Ubuntu operating system. Any idea? I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance. Aitor