Hi All, I have a question about cmvision package. When I looked at the blobs msg by "rostopic echo /blobs", I got things like this. header: seq: 466 stamp: secs: 1285021814 nsecs: 952005043 frame_id: '' image_width: 640 image_height: 480 blob_count: 0 blobs: - red: 0 green: 255 blue: 0 area: 14494 x: 403 y: 168 left: 348 right: 462 top: 40 bottom: 310 - red: 0 green: 255 blue: 0 area: 364 x: 459 y: 107 left: 444 right: 475 top: 59 bottom: 159 - red: 0 green: 255 blue: 0 area: 41 x: 476 y: 50 left: 462 My question is, why the blob_count = 0 but there are blob info in the list? I am especially curious about the one with area of 14494. Sorry if it is a noob question. Thanks. Li