>Why do you think log4cxx is unmaintained? It hasn't had a release for a >while, but it's quite stable in our experience. log4cxx was the best option >when first creating rosconsole ~2 years ago, and I haven't seen any new >software that changes that (boost.log has potential, but is unproven and >won't be available on most of our target platforms for years). >Josh Hi Josh Normally I would expect software to be updated if it doesn't compile properly with new gcc versions. At least in my case (gcc 4.4.3) it required a little patching. I know it is easy to fix but it does give a signal of not being maintained. I understand your argument about using a library with available packages for the different platforms, and that boost log has some drawbacks here. I am very interested in hearing about other possibilities. My focus is more on cross compiling since I will be using ROS in commercial robot products. And I don't expect ROS to be build natively in these products. And in this case I found that log4cxx adds some unnecessary complexity, for adding such a "general" thing as logging. /Morten