Dears ROS users, i am working on a Visual Odometry project and, because I needed the Sparse Bundle Adjustment routines, I downloaded all the required stacks (mainly VSLAM and its dependencies) from the Ubuntu 9.10 repository. My project is coded in C++ with OpenCV (i.e. I am not using any ROS component) and because of this, all I needed was to link against the SBA package libraries. I have managed to do this, and succesfully add camera nodes, add 3D points and image projections to the SysSBA object, but when i call the member function 'doSBA', i get a segmentation fault. All my code was based on the tutorials. Does anyone have any insight about this issue? I've tested both cturtle and unstable versions available at the repositories. Thanks in advance. ps: of course i considered using the Lourakis SBA lib, but the ROS SBA routines seemed a lot easier to use.