I am trying to run two robot_state_publisher nodes in parallel. My publications do not seem to be getting to the second one. Here is some info: Here is a part of my launch file: And here are my publishers: joint_pub_ = handle_.advertise("/joint_states", 1); sim_joint_pub_ = handle_.advertise("/sim_joint_states", 1); ... joint_pub_.publish(joint_state_); sim_joint_pub_.publish(sim_joint_state_); In rxgraph, I don't see any connections going into the second robot_state_publisher (named sim_state_publisher). Am I missing something? I am using Boxturtle, are there some features listed in the wiki that aren't in this version? Thanks, -Ben Ben Axelrod Research Scientist iRobot Corporation 8 Crosby Drive, Mail Stop 8-1 Bedford, MA 01730 (781) 430-3315 (Tel) (781) 960-2628 (Fax) baxelrod@irobot.com