Hello everyone: I have a problem when I try to run an stage map, each time I try to run it, like in the example of SimulatingOneRobot Tutorial: ./bin/stageros world/willow-erratic.world (Being on the right directory ofcourse) I recieve this error message: err: unable to open color database: No such file or directory (try adding rgb.txt's location to your STAGEPATH) (/tmp/buildd/ros-cturtle-simulator-stage-1.2.1/debian/ros-cturtle-simulator-stage/opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/simulator_stage/stage/build/Stage-3.2.2-Source/libstage/color.cc Color) Do you know or have a clue why this error happens? I'm using Ubuntu Jaunty and running the last version of cturtle. Regards. -- Oscar Rodrigo Hernández Panczenko IMT