Hi Everyone, After successfully decoding the data stream coming from the AR.Drone, I now need to publish this data from ardrone_driver. I've been reviewing the ways different drivers (p2os, erratic, pr2, iCreate) publish information like this. Naturally, it seems very robot-specific, since most hardware is inherently different. A sensor_msgs/Imu seems to be the best option for the onboard IMU. Some other information that is specific to this platform (altitude, battery info, airborne state, etc), however, will require a custom message. I'd like to get opinions on what the best way to structure this message would be. All units will, of course, be used as specified in REP 103. I can't seem to find any information on a standard way of publishing power state, though. Based on the pr2 PowerState message, I'm thinking of publishing current battery voltage, consumption rate in watts, and estimated capacity as a percentage. Would one of these alone be best, or should I publish all of this information? Also, I'm curious to know if it is preferred to split this information among various messages, or to have one single message containing everything. If anyone has any input on what the best way to structure this ARDroneState message, I would appreciate it. Hopefully, sometime soon, a standard for flying robots will emerge ;) Cheers, Nate Roney