You would probably be better off creating a simple new node that reads the images from the file(s) and publishes them seperately for the stereo_image_proc node to use. There is a good tutorial at that reads in an image from a file and publishes it. You could modify it to publish two images( you will want to synchronize the timestamps). You probably will also want to look at and use that for getting and setting the camera info. There may already be a package around to do what you need, but I didn't find one with a cursory search. I have been using the uvc_stereo package which reads images from usb cameras and publishes them for stereo processing. You could get that and look at the code as an example of how to publish for stereo correctly. Hope this helps. -Jeff Hyams RE2, Inc. On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 8:55 AM, kollok kollok wrote: > Hello, > > I am working on a stereoscopy vision project and I have the intention to > use ROS in this project. But I have a couple of questions before starting > and I would be very grateful for your help. > > 1- Is it possible to edit the source code of a package (for example > stereo_image_proc) and recompile it to be used in an other project? > > 2- For stereo_image_proc, could I specify the paths of two images (from my > hard disk) and make them inputs for the stereo_image_proc in order to > calibrate, rectify and extract disparity map from them? > > Thank you in advance > > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > > >