i'm a little confused about KDL and python. i have a C++ node that is using KDL just fine, so i know it's installed. however, i can't seem to get it imported into a python node. i should mention that i'm running boxturtle (installed just prior to the ROS tutorial at ICRA 2010). in my manifest.xml, i have: (i've tried PyKDL, KDL, etc., but they cause errors during rosmake) in my python code, i have: import PyKDL following one of the KDL tutorial wiki pages. when i try to rosrun the node, i get "ImportError: No module named PyKDL" (and kdl, KDL, pykdl, etc. don't work either) is there something wrong with my installation? do i need to install python bindings to KDL separately? thanks, wes