Hi, I installed pre-compiled version of boxturtle on ubuntu :http://www.ros.org/wiki/boxturtle/Installation/Ubuntu/Deb I also installed some of the nodes separately : teleop_base, control_toolbox,hokuyo_node. I want to make sure that there should not be any conflict between boxturtle and cturtle. Thats why I want to clean everything and then install cturtle. Barton ________________________________ From: Barton M To: ros-users@code.ros.org Sent: Mon, October 25, 2010 5:22:14 PM Subject: Upgrade from box turtle to cturtle Hey all, I am new to linux as well as ROS. I had installed lot of nodes and boxturtle earlier. Now I want to upgrade it to Cturtle. I want to know how to remove boxturtle completely along with separate nodes I installed. Thanks Barton