Hey, I recently ran into an odd error when launching Stage from a launch file that brings up stage, move_base, map_server, fake localization (a pretty standard launch file). It seems like stage complained about a file called "rgb.txt" is missing from my "STAGEPATH"... Does anyone have any idea how to fix it? I fully updated my ROS installation last night using the pretty debs. *my configuration:* 64-bit Jaunty, cturtle v1.2.4, Simulator_Stage Stack v1.2.1 (Stage-3.2.2), Navigation Stack v1.2.2 *error message:* process[nav_view-7]: started with pid [5305] unable to open image: unable to open image: err: unable to open color database: No such file or directory (try adding rgb.txt's location to your STAGEPATH) (/tmp/buildd/ros-cturtle-simulator-stage-1.2.1/debian/ros-cturtle-simulator-stage/opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/simulator_stage/stage/build/Stage-3.2.2-Source/libstage/color.cc Color) [stageros-5] process has finished cleanly. *launch file:* https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/branches/trunk_cturtle/sandbox/sbpl_lattice_planner/launch/move_base_sbpl_fake_localization_2.5cm.launch Thank you, -- ben