Dar ROS users, I would like to know if somebody could have a hint for our problem. This question is for system design in python. We require of a ROS package holding a library for our system that has relevant python wrappers (pyopencv) used in our system. So far, we have encapsulated all required libraries (*.so) and python files (*.py) into a node structure which can be used by pointing it to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. However, if we want to run our system as a ROS node, we also require to update this system variable. The 'manifest.xml' file for our ROS library (pyopencv) is: pyopencv Renato Samperio BSD http://ros.org/wiki/pyopencv We made our node following rules from PyStyleGuide. Our file system structure is: pyopencv |- CMakeLists.txt |- manifest.xml |- mainpage.dox |- src/ |- pyopencv/ ← Pointed to LD_LIBRARY_PATH |- __init__.py |- *.so, *.py, *.pyc I would really appreciate if somebody has an idea of how we could avoid the LD_LIBRARY_PATH system variable. With best wishes, Renato Samperio