---------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---------- Von: Markus Eich An: ros-users@lists.sourceforge.net Datum: 19. November 2010 um 13:32 Betreff: Problem displaying custom laser in RVIZ Dear all, I have te following problem: I want to display a single point laser measurement in RVIZ using LaserScan message. Terefor I filled most of the laser message parameters manualle. The range was set by the laser (Leuze ODSL-30) The message generated looks fine, but when i subscrive to the /scan RVIZ refused to display it. When I use rostopic echo, the message looks like this ================================================================= --- header:   seq: 144   stamp:     secs: 1290166306     nsecs: 126582347   frame_id: base_link angle_min: 0.0 angle_max: 0.00999999977648 angle_increment: 0.00999999977648 time_increment: 0.10000000149 scan_time: 0.10000000149 range_min: 0.20000000298 range_max: 30.0 ranges: [3.4630000591278076] intensities: [] --- header:   seq: 145   stamp:     secs: 1290166306     nsecs: 226820561   frame_id: base_link angle_min: 0.0 angle_max: 0.00999999977648 angle_increment: 0.00999999977648 time_increment: 0.10000000149 scan_time: 0.10000000149 range_min: 0.20000000298 range_max: 30.0 ranges: [3.4619998931884766] intensities: [] ========================================================= Maybe the params angle_min: 0.0 angle_max: 0.00999999977648 angle_increment: 0.00999999977648 time_increment: 0.10000000149 scan_time: 0.10000000149 are wrong (because I have only one scan in contrast to the hokuyo which has multi scans per reading). I though also to use the RANGE sensor message but there seems no way to display it in RVIZ as well. Any Ideas? Cheers, Markus