Hello, Short update on the "Python 3 support" front. We've rebased our work on the trunk of ROS, and I'm happy to annonce that the 'ros stack' test suite now almost pass on both Python 2.6 and 3.1: $ cd $ROS_ROOT $ rosmake -t I say 'almost' because the test_rospack still fails with this error: [test_rospack.test_utest/test_ran][FAILURE]------------------------------------- Unable to find test results for TEST-test_utest.xml, test did not run. Expected results in .ros/test_results/test_rospack/TEST-test_utest.xml which does not seem to be related to the port to Python 3 (but I may be wrong: it may be some side-effect...) Porting what we did on the rospy package to the SVN trunk is still pending. Be aware that the new version requires Python >= 2.6 (but I think it was already assumed from the syntax I saw in the original files). I had some issues with regexp in junitxml.py:_read_file_safe_xml() so I commented it out for now. I've re-organized the GIT repos by stacks, and the changes to the ros stack are here: http://code.in.tum.de/indefero/index.php//p/rospy3-stacks-ros/source/tree/master/ Find attached the (huge) patch against SVN trunk. Comments most welcome! Severin -- Séverin Lemaignan - lemaigna@in.tum.de [00] PhD student on Cognitive Robotics /|__|\ Technische Uni München - IAS group / LAAS-CNRS - RIS group '' +498928917780 / +33561337844 http://www.laas.fr/~slemaign