2010/12/20 Pablo Iņigo Blasco > Hi Brian, Anton and ROS community. > > Our group is working with erratic robots. As we talkedthe ua_erratic_player package is the current official erratic package. So > we've been working with it for a while. However it has some lacks, e.g. we > can't read sonar sensor values and we can't use neither the vision-ptz > actuator nor the ranger-tilt-actuator. > > Given that the node implementation uses the player framework it's > relatively easy to extend it and add such functionality. We did it but now > we have got some doubts about how the design the erratic-node interface > following ROS conventions: > > - There isn't a standard sonar array message (like e.g. LaserScan.msg), is > it? Such kind of message may not have sense since sonar array may not be > considered a device itself and it usually has a custom arrangement. e.g. The > erratic robot has 8 sonar sensors but they aren't regularly arranged (in the > same way as laserscans are: angle_min,angle_mas,angle_increment,etc). In the > other hand 8 topics of type (Header/float) don't look a good solution. We're > planning to extend the erratic urdf by adding the sonar devices frames and > creating a message like this: > Header > string[] frames > float[] ranges > There is actually a standardized message for a sonar. http://www.ros.org/doc/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/Range.html Should be available in unstable and Diamondback once it's released. See http://www.ros.org/wiki/sensor_msgs/Reviews/2010-10-04_Ranger_Proposal_API_Review for how we envisioned using that message to send out a "RangeArray". Basically, individual Range message for each sonar, letting tf handle the fact that they have different orientations and locations. - Eric > > - Regarding the vision-ptz actuator. What would be a good way to send > commands? JointArray + robot_state_publisher? Maybe a look_at command topic > of type Point3D?? > - For the ranger-tilt actuator I guess is better a topic of type > (Header/float). > > What do you think about this? Suggestion, correction or Ideas are welcome. > > Thanks in advance. > Regards. > > -- > Pablo Iņigo Blasco. > Computer Architecture Department. Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) > http://es.linkedin.com/in/pibgeus | http://geus.wordpress.com > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users > >